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Исполнитель: DEVILDRIVER
Перевод песни
Песня: Burning Sermon
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
You carry the burden as an excuse
To keep the pressure on, so you don't fall off.
Seem to love the usual vices.
Gonna' get your fill? So take your pills.
I'll see you in the morning!
No one ever comes full circle & never will.
Welcome to the pity party, the sign says, "Kill!"

Oh, the webs you've woven,
The lies you've chosen. The love in ruins!
This fucking betrayal will bring the truth out,
Out on the table for all to see.

This burning heart is a burning sermon.
With whiskey, it burns – taken, ridden, ravaged!
Mansions of misery, built on pain –
Your houses of deceit.

Wake up, you fucking coward of a man,
The line between us has been drawn in the sand.
I'm calling you out, out on all your bullshit to date.
So hang a light out for me!

Oh, the webs you've woven,
The lies you've chosen. The love in ruins.
This fucking betrayal will bring the truth out,
Out on the table for all to see.

This burning heart is a burning sermon.
With whiskey, it burns – taken, ridden, ravaged!
Mansions of misery, built on pain –
Your houses of deceit.

This fucking betrayal!

This is a call to the throne!
Call to the throne!

Mansions of misery, built on pain –
Your houses of deceit...
Wake up!

This is a call to the throne!
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Горящая проповедь

Извини, но у меня для тебя плохие новости.
Ты несёшь своё бремя как оправдание,
Чтобы продолжать свой гнёт. Так ты остаёшься на плаву.
Кажется, тебе нравятся обычные пороки.
Собираешься поесть? Так прими свои таблетки.
Увидимся утром!
Никто никогда не проходит этот замкнутый круг целиком и никогда не пройдёт.
Добро пожаловать на отстойную вечеринку, а знак говорит, "убей!"..... [открыть перевод]

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