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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
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Песня: The Absolute
In every hour every day
This chosen solitude is gone.
The pressure coursing through your every nerve, will rise,
Will rise and fade away, rise and fade away.

There's madness to this method,
Conformity now on display.
When confidence become the enemy
In time our questions lose their meaning.
Wish it away and it comes back to you somehow.
A loneliness denied, a loneliness denied.

Our shallow pool of wisdom
Reflects upon our innocent face.
Between attacks of pure anxiety
You see humanity slip away.
You force the lie to be an absolute
To where there will be no return, there will be no return.

Be an absolute to where there will be no return.
Be an absolute to where...

There is a face on the surface
I don't ever want to see.
There is a light above the water
That is not supposed to be.
If there is truth in this resistance
I don't ever want to know.
Перевод песни:

Каждый день с каждым часом
Это избранное одиночество уходит.
Давление, охотящееся за каждой твоей нервной клеткой, возрастёт,
Возрастёт и исчезнет, возрастёт и исчезнет.

В этом способе есть что-то безумное,
Теперь сходство выставлено на показ.
Когда доверие становится врагом,..... [открыть перевод]

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