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Исполнитель: Justin Mauriello
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Песня: Forgotten
Blinded by the smoke
Burning where I stand
All around me fire
Matches in my hand

She kills me
She kills me

Do you think of me often?
Or am I forgotten?
Do you think of me often?

Now the ice has formed
And I don't know how
To chip away
What's around me now

She kills me
She kills me

Do you think of me often?
Or am I forgotten?
Do you think of me often?

She kills me
She kills me

Do you think of me often?
Or am I forgotten?
Do you think of me often?
Перевод песни:

Ослепленный дымом,
Сгораю там, где стою.
Вокруг меня бушует пламя,
А в моих руках спички...

Она убивает меня...
Она убивает меня.
..... [открыть перевод]

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