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Исполнитель: Justin Bieber & benny blanco
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Песня: Mt. Washington
[Verse 1:]
Face stained in the ceiling
Why does it keep saying,
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now

[Verse 2:]
Digging like you can bury
Something that cannot die
Or we could wash the dirt off our hands now
Keep it from living underground

Lazy summer goddess
You can tell our whole empire
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now

I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now
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Гора Вашингтон

[1-ый куплет:]
Лицо окрашенное в потолок
Почему это продолжают повторять?
Я не должен видеть тебя сейчас
Я не должен видеть тебя сейчас

[2-ой куплет:]
Копай, будто сможешь похоронить..... [открыть перевод]

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