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Исполнитель: DEVILDRIVER
Перевод песни
Песня: Scars Me Forever
You smile and it scars me forever,
You live life like a wild god.
You said these ties would never sever,
You said never, never!

Sit in my room and I think of the future,
Sit in my room and I think of the past.
Going down the rabbit hole,
Try to hold on, but I'm sliding down fast, fast!

When everything is not what it seems to be
I got to pack up my days and nights, walk away and leave.

All good must now just come to an end,
I'm so sick of your scene and your friends.
Intuition makes it so easy
To call it quits and set this free.

Sit in my room and I think of the future,
Sit in my room and I think of the past.
Going down the rabbit hole,
Try to hold on, but I'm sliding down fast, fast!

[Chorus: x2]
When everything is not what it seems to be
I got to pack up my days and nights, walk away and leave.

Would it be so easy for you to watch me go?
So walk out that door forever.
We said never, never, never!
You laugh and it scars me forever,
Don't leave so easily.
You said these ties would never sever,
You said never, never!

When everything is not what it seems to be
I got to pack up my days and nights, walk away, and leave.
When everything is not what it seems to be
I got to pack up my days and nights, walk away,
Walk away and leave...
Перевод песни:
Навсегда оставляет во мне след

Ты улыбаешься, и это навсегда оставляет во мне след.
Ты живёшь, словно слетевший с катушек бог.
Ты говорила, что эти узы никогда не разорвутся,
Ты говорила: "Никогда", "никогда"!

Сижу в своей комнате и размышляю о будущем,
Сижу в своей комнате и размышляю о прошлом.
Прячась глубже в свою нору,..... [открыть перевод]

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