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Исполнитель: A Day To Remember
Перевод песни
Песня: Permanent
Wait, it's so permanent,
Always rearranging I can't commit,
Fear of a future I can't predict
Has got me layin' sleepless at night,
The future freaks me out!

This is a cycle
Often repeated,
That's predictable
To a fault.
It's overwhelming,
This process of changing,
It's always over,
Before it starts.

It's out of my control,
I got nothin' to show
Now for it.
See how long I can go
Before somebody knows
I'm runnin'.

Wait, it's so permanent,
Always rearranging I can't commit,
Fear of a future I can't predict
Has got me layin' sleepless at night,
The future freaks me out!

Go ‘round like a record
Constantly skippin',
Hung up on the cracks
That haven't formed at all.
Waiting for somethin'
That's never coming,
Another excuse
So I can put it off.

It's out of my control,
I got nothing to show
Now for it.
See how long I can go
Before somebody knows
I'm runnin.

Wait, it's so permanent,
Always rearranging I can't commit,
Fear of a future I can't predict
Has got me layin' sleepless at night,
The future freaks me out!
It's so permanent,
Always rearranging I can't commit,
Fear of a future I can't predict
Has got me layin' sleepless at night,
The future freaks me out!

This is who I am
When no one is watchin',
Flaws in character
Frozen by my options,
I won't touch a thing
Because failure's contagious,
Safe from your judgement
By staying complacent!

Wait, it's so permanent,
Always rearranging I can't commit,
Fear of a future I can't predict
Has got me layin' sleepless at night,
The future freaks me out!
It's so permanent,
Always rearranging I can't commit,
Fear of a future I can't predict
Has got me layin' sleepless at night,
The future freaks me out!
The future freaks me out!
The future freaks me out!
The future freaks me out!
Перевод песни:

Пережди, это всё постоянно,
Я вечно перестраиваюсь, убеждённость не для меня,
Страх перед непредсказуемым будущим
Лишает меня сна по ночам,
Будущее дико пугает меня.

Это замкнутый круг,
По которому я часто хожу,..... [открыть перевод]

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