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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
Перевод песни
Песня: There Is Nothing
The night goes into hiding
Behind the chaos and the noise.
The lonely seek a madness
For fear of the untold.
From the shadows in the distance
It steps into the light.
A shape that's so familiar,
Yet eludes the eye.

There is nothing,
Nothing that faith can do.
There is nothing,
There's nothing faith can do for me.
There's nothing faith can do for me!
There's nothing faith can do for me!

It speaks of possibilities
And promises fulfilled
Deep into adherence
To a detached reality.
Follow me to the ground
And the beating hearts of those who know
Let this true belonging
Take hold of the senses.

There is nothing,
Nothing that faith can do.
There is nothing,
There's nothing faith can do for me.
There's nothing faith can do for me!
There's nothing faith can do for me!

[Guitar solo]

There's nothing faith can do,
There's nothing faith can do for me.
There's nothing, there's nothing,
There's nothing that faith can do for me!
There's nothing, there's nothing,
There's nothing that faith can do for me!
Перевод песни:

Тьма собирается спрятаться
За суматохой и шумом.
Одинокие люди ищут безумия
Из страха перед недосказанностью.
Из далёких теней
Он выходит на свет –
Такой знакомый образ,
Который по-прежнему избегает взгляда...... [открыть перевод]

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