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Исполнитель: Ivo Dimchev
Перевод песни
Песня: Overrated
I'll build a wall between your heart and mine,
Cause it's over it's overrated his love.
All memories I'll turn them to stones,
Cause I need them to build my wall,
To build my beautiful wall.

After a while I'll climb my wall so i can jump from
the other side.
After a while I'll climb my wall so i can jump from
the other side.
So I can jump from the other side.

And when I fall
I'll break all my parts,
Cause there is no one to hold me there.

And while I'm trying with my all broken parts,
to climb back,
I'll hear you crying, I'll hear you crying from the
other side, crying for our overrated love.

I'll be the wall between your heart and mine,
then I will break it cause it's overrated,
I'll breakdown this overrated wall.
I'll breakdown this overrated wall.
Перевод песни:

Я выстрою стену между нашими сердцами,
Потому что все кончено, да и его любовь переоценена.
Из воспоминаний я сделаю камни,
Чтобы построить из них стену,
Выстроить мою дивную стену.

А потом я заберусь на стену и спрыгну
С другой стороны...... [открыть перевод]

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