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Исполнитель: E-Type
Перевод песни
Песня: Ding Ding Song
When you called me tonight from your ding ding world
Everything but alright was your dingaling words
What you're doing with your life in your bling bling world
What's with your mind in your swingaling twirl

I'm fed up with your ding ding world
So shut up with your dingaling words
You can stay in your tree, as long as you let me be
Don't wanna see no more

You keep crossing every line
You're missing all the signs
With the damage already done, I'm gone
You keep crossing every line
Get back to your own side
Now the battle's already won, who's wrong?

Now what's really really up with your ding ding head
I am all fed up with your crowned bed
All your crap has gone straight to your bling bling head
You make me see dingalingaling red

I'm fed up your ding ding world
So shut up with your dingaling words
You can stay in your nest, dressed for success
Don't wanna hear no more

When you called me tonight from your ding ding world
Everything but alright was your dingaling words
What you're doing with your life in your bling bling world
Don't wanna hear no more

Oh no, you're crossing every line
No no
Oh no, You're missing all the signs
No no, I'm so fed upm don't wanna hear no more

Oh no, you're crossing every line I'm gone
No no, I'm all fed up , don't wanna see no more
Oh no, You're missing all the signs, you're wrong
No no, I'm so fed up, don't wanna hear no more

You don't know when cross the line
Always caught on the other side
With the damage already done, I'm gone
You don't know when you cross the line
Always caught on the other side
Now the battle's already won, who's wrong
Перевод песни:
Такая-разэтакая песня

Когда ты позвонила мне сегодня вечером из своего такого-разэтакого мира, 1
Твои твие-сякие слова были чем угодно, но только не чем-то хорошим.
Что ты делаешь со своей жизнью в своем таком-этаком мире?
Что с твоим разумом в твоем свихнутом вихре?

Я сыт по горло твоим таким-разэтаким миром,
Так что заткнись со своими такими-сякими словами,
Ты можешь оставаться на своем дереве, пока позволяешь мне быть, -..... [открыть перевод]

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