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Исполнитель: Caamp
Перевод песни
Песня: Fall, Fall, Fall
Will you fall, fall, fall for your furies?
Would you die on the blade like your daddy did?
And will you not stop and shake from this worry?
Would you stay on the line while your country dies?
The world burns by
You've got smoke in your eyes

And I want my kids to swim in the creek
I want my kids to swim in the creek

Yes, now go, now, all who can leave us
Give what you can, oh, but take what you need
And will this dark world soon become clearer?
Or are we bound to stay quiet and drift off into sleep?
Dreams of money and greed
Such a dark destiny

And I want my kids to swim in the creek
Oh, I want my kids to swim in the creek

Will you fall, fall, fall for your furies?
There's only so much that a spirit can take
Will you not stop and shake from this worry?
You'd be surprised what your own hands can make
Within the garden gates
Love emanates

And I want my kids to swim in the creek
Yeah, I want my kids to swim in the creek
Перевод песни:
Падение, падение, падение

Падешь ли, падешь ли, падешь ли под власть своих страстей?
Погибнешь ли от меча, как и твой отец?
Не остановишься ли ты? Не стряхнешь с себя груз забот?
Останешься ли в строю, когда гибнет твоя страна?
Рядом пылает весь мир,
Дым застилает твои глаза.

Я хочу, чтобы мои дети купались в ручье,..... [открыть перевод]

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