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Исполнитель: Dwara
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Песня: Power
So I guess I haven't acted like I probably should
Too many things I've said I can't do but probably could
Watching you fall, fall down, down
I never said a thing I, didn't help you out
Cause my name isn't velvet on your lips
There's no taste, no taste left in this kiss
Hand of a stranger resting on my hips
Words said out loud are but a hiss

Storm in silence
The bull I'm fighting is you
Matador filling arenas
I am the challenger, not you
Filling arenas
I am the challenger, not you
Tears fall red like carnations
Predator is prey no where to hide

So I guess you haven't acted like you probably should
Too many things you've said you can't do but probably could
Watching me fall, fall too the ground
I won't admit defeat, no
Not without a sound
Cause my name isn't velvet on your lips
There's no taste
No taste left in this kiss
Hand of a stranger resting on my hips
Words said out loud are but a hiss

Storm in silence
The bull I'm fighting is you
Matador filling arenas
I am the challenger, not you
Filling arenas
I am the challenger, not you
(Tears fall red like carnations
Predator is prey no where to hide)

Storm in silence
The bull I'm fighting is you
Matador filling arenas
I am the challenger, not you
Filling arenas
I am the challenger, not you
Перевод песни:

Кажется, мне следовало вести себя иначе,
Слишком часто молчала, когда могла бы и высказаться.
Глядя на то, как ты скатываешься ниже и ниже,
Я ничего не сказала, не протянула руку помощи.
Потому что мое имя на твоих устах не звучит бархатом,
Этот поцелуй стал совершенно безвкусным.
Руки незнакомца бродят по моим бедрам,
Изо рта доносятся не слова, а шипение...... [открыть перевод]

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