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Исполнитель: DEVILDRIVER
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Песня: Shudder
Unholy offspring of lightning and death itself,
You run the blockade, I drink the blood of angels.
Violets and violence, the perfect feast,
One lays first at the other's feet.

I was a fool to trust you,
Was the fool you trusted.
Ashes to ashes,
From dust to rusted!

Refuse to compromise!

Shudder to think,
What we gain once we lose everything.
Shudder to think,
We refuse to come to compromise.
Silence speaks louder than those tears you cry.

I shudder to think!
I shudder to think!

Violets and violence, the perfect feast,
I've laid you fucking pride down at my feet.

I was a fool to trust you,
Was the fool you trusted.
Ashes to ashes,
From dust to rusted!

Refuse to compromise!

Shudder to think,
What we gain once we lose everything.
Shudder to think,
We refuse to come to compromise.
Silence speaks louder than those tears you cry.

"I'm gonna take this world,
Dodging the strife,
Riding the rails again in this life,
Hearing death, feeling godly,
Searching for medicine in the melancholy."
I'm gonna take this fucking world!
This fucking world!
Take this world!
Take this fucking world!

We refuse to compromise!

[Chorus: x2]
Shudder to think,
What we gain once we lose everything.
Shudder to think,
We refuse to compromise.
Silence speaks louder than those tears you cry.

I shudder to think!
I shudder, I shudder!
I shudder to think!
Перевод песни:

Нечестивый потомок молнии и самой смерти,
Ты прорываешь эту блокаду, а я пью кровь ангелов.
Фиалки и жестокость – идеальный праздник,
Один первее приклоняется к ногам другого.

Я был дураком, доверившись тебе,
Был дураком, которому ты доверял.
Прах к праху,..... [открыть перевод]

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