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Исполнитель: Busker, The
Перевод песни
Песня: Dance (Our Own Party)
Wait now,
Can you speak up
It's a little bit loud
I'm a little bit lost
Oh fogged up
Might be the drinks
Or the social tease
Of anxiety

The tension I'm getting
The faces I drew on
I can't focus
Should've known this
When the tik gets toking I'm gone

I feel better in my sweater
Got my stereo
I'll play you songs you know

But hey,
What you say?

Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?

It's on
Yeah, we go outside
Take the very first ride
Try to save our night
If you're keen
I got some indoor shoes
I can offer you
Get you in the groove

The tension is lifting
Another moment would've been too much
This the real me
Our own party
Our own party
Our own party

I feel better in my sweater
Gaga radio
Is this the song you know?

What you say?

Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?

I feel better in my sweater
Gaga radio
Is this the song you know?

But hey
What you say?

Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?
Do you want to dance?

Перевод песни:
Потанцевать (Устроим свою вечеринку)

Говори погромче,
Здесь слишком шумно,
Я чё-то растерялся.
Всё как в тумане,
То ли из-за выпивки,
То ли разнервичался,
Что столько народу вокруг...... [открыть перевод]

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