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Исполнитель: Reba McEntire
Перевод песни
Песня: Back before the War
Stacks of paper, my name in bold print
Yours right besides it on this document
Too many lawyers, too many angry words
So much we didn't say, so much we never heard.
Do you remember
When I was all that you were living for
Back before the war

Back before the broken vows
The shattered trust, this empty house
When nothing really mattered but us.
Back before we climbed too high
My dreams were yours, your dreams were mine
Back before we fell so out of touch
Back before the war

Children's laughter trailing down the hall
Tiny footsteps, God how I miss it all
It's not as simple as who's right and who's to blame
How could we fly so high to be shot down in flames.
Do you remember
When you were all that I was living for
Back before the war

Back before the broken vows
The shattered trust, this empty house
When nothing really mattered but us
Back before we climbed too high
My dreams were yours, your dreams were mine
Back before we fell so out of touch
Back before the war

Stacks of paper, I guess this is where we sign
Strange how your signature so closely matches mine
I never dreamed our love would ever come to this
Avoiding each other's eyes still craving your tenderness
Do you remember
When love was all that we were living for
Back before the war
Back before the war
Перевод песни:
До войны

Стопки бумаг, моё имя жирным шрифтом,
Твоё имя на документе прямо рядом с моим.
Толпы адвокатов, множество обидных слов,
Но столько всего осталось невысказанным, многих вещей мы так и не услышали.
Помнишь времена,
Когда ты жил только мной –
До войны?
..... [открыть перевод]

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