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Исполнитель: DEVILDRIVER
Перевод песни
Песня: Bloodbath
Cross the mountains into the core,
Ride your time here, along the edge of the sword.

Consequences hurt, don't they?
Decisions have been made.

We must decide today
To become the hunter and not the prey.
We must decide today
To become the hunter and not to be the prey,
Hiding in the middle of the flame.

The beast it walks forever towards,
In silence, it hides along the edge of the sword.

Consequences hurt, don't they?
Decisions have been made.

Keep the beast at bay when you hear him say.

We must decide today
To become the hunter and not the prey.
We must decide today
To become the hunter and not to be the prey.

Beat and bash my head against the floorboards,
Strike until my knuckles bleed.
Watch the dawn grind us down daily,
As we fail ourselves
Down on our knees!

Keep the beast at bay when you hear him say.

We must decide today
To become the hunter and not the prey.
We must decide today
To become the hunter and not to be the prey.
We must decide today
To become the hunter and not the prey.
We must decide today.
Перевод песни:

Преодолей горы, войдя в глубины,
Проведи время здесь, на острие меча.

Последствия болезненны, не так ли?
Решения были приняты.

Сегодня мы должны принять решение:..... [открыть перевод]

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