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Исполнитель: Oceans
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Песня: If There‘s a God She Has Abandoned Us
Here I sit in my shattered house of glass
With a splintered heart stained black with broken hope

If there's a god
She has abandoned us
If there's a savior
He left us in the dark
No one's born a saint
But we all pray in vain
If there's a god
She has abandoned us

And now we sit in this broken world of ours
This world is rotten like the apple of Eden itself
Everyone can go to hell
For all I care go feed yourselves to the snakes

If there's a god
She has abandoned us
If there's a savior
He left us in the dark
No one's born a saint
But we all pray in vain
If there's a god
She has abandoned us

If there's a god
She has abandoned us
If there's a savior
He left us in the dark
No one's born a saint
But we all pray in vain
If there's a god
She has abandoned us
Перевод песни:
Если и есть Бог, то Она нас покинула.

Вот я сижу в своем разрушенном стеклянном доме
С разбитым сердцем, окрашенным в черный цвет разбитой надеждой.

Если и есть Бог,
То Она покинула нас.
Если и есть Спаситель,
То Он оставил нас в темноте.
Никто не рождается святым,..... [открыть перевод]

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