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Исполнитель: Saba
Перевод песни
Песня: Sand
Yesterday is eatin' up my mind
You and me, we couldn't get it right
We were throwing memories in the air
Bits and pieces lyin' everywhere

Bits and pieces lyin' everywhere
Bits and pieces like we didn't care

Shouldn't be so hard like breathin' underwater
Baby, we've been in the blue
Didn't see it comin', fallin' into nothin'
Ain't there somethin' we can do?

I can feel you slipping through my hands
Guеss we built a castle out of sand

Yestеrday, I had you by my side
Now we're just like strangers in the night
Pictures of us lyin' on the floor
No, I can't do this fightin' anymore

But it shouldn't be so hard like breathin' underwater
Baby, we've been in the blue
Didn't see it comin', fallin' into nothin'
Ain't there somethin' we can do?

I can feel you slipping through my hands
Guess we built a castle out of sand
Sand, sand
I can feel you slipping through my hands
Sand, sand
Guess we built a castle out of sand

Shouldn't be so hard like breathing underwater
Shouldn't be so hard like breathing underwater
Ooh, yeah

Sand, sand (Oh)
I can feel you slipping through my hands
Sand, sand, yeah
Guess we built a castle out of sand
Перевод песни:

Вчерашний день поглощает моё сознание,
Мы с тобой не смогли наладить отношения,
Разбрасывали воспоминания по воздуху,
Их осколки и частички были повсюду.

Их осколки и частички были повсюду,
Всё разбилось, будто нам и не было до этого дела.
..... [открыть перевод]

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