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Исполнитель: Walking On Cars
Перевод песни
Песня: Nothing‘s Impossible
Nothing is impossible
This life is a treat
You can leap from the sky
And land on your feet
God is irrelevant
You are who you are
I walk straight by normal days
Gazing at the stars

Well it works, it works
When you don't say goodbye
No, I won't, I won't
Won't be home tonight
If I fall, if I fall
My knees touch the ground
Well I know, I know
This way you'll be around

This way you'll be around

Hollywood's fantasy pulls you to your knees
And I think we've all got the dreamer's disease
Everything is magic or everything is stone
Seven billion people, but some are alone

Well it works, it works
When you don't say goodbye
No, I won't, I won't
Won't be home tonight
If I fall, if I fall
My knees touch the ground
Well I know, I know
This way you'll be around

Stop the lights
I lost the night, I

Stop the lights
I lost the night

Well it works, it works
When you don't say goodbye
No, I won't, I won't
Won't be home tonight
If I fall, if I fall
My knees touch the ground
Well I know, I know
This way you'll be around

Stop the lights
I lost the night, I
Stop the lights
I lost the night, I
Перевод песни:
Нет ничего невозможного

Нет ничего невозможного,
Жизнь - это подарок.
Ты можешь прыгнуть с неба
И приземлиться на ноги.
Бог не так важен,
Ты - это ты.
Я прогуливаюсь сквозь обычные дни,
Любуясь звёздами...... [открыть перевод]

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