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Исполнитель: Willie Nelson & Bobbie Nelson
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Песня: Is the Better Part Over
Is the better part over?
Has a ragin' river turned into a stream?
Is the better part over?
Are we down to not quite sayin' what we mean?

And after thinkin' it over
Wouldn't you rather have the endin' nice and clean
Where love remains in all the closing scenes?
If the better part's over

Why hang around
For an endin' that's laden with sorrow?
We've both been around
We've both seen that movie before

And as much as I love you
I can't live while fearin' tomorrow
If the better part's over
Then why should we try anymore?

Is the better part over?
Has a ragin' river turned into a stream?
Is the better part over?
Are we down to not quite sayin' what we mean?

And after thinkin' it over
Wouldn't you rather have the endin' nice and clean
Where love remains in all the closing scenes
Is the better part over?
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Неужели лучшее позади?

Неужели лучшее позади?
Неужели бурные река превратилась в ручей?
Неужели лучшее позади?
Неужели мы больше не говорим то, что хотим сказать?

Неужели, обдумав ситуацию,
Ты не хотела бы закончить всё красиво,
Где в финальной сцене осталась бы любовь,..... [открыть перевод]

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