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Исполнитель: Wannadies
Песня: Damn It I Said
No news, nothing happens
no wins, seem to come my way
but I'm ok
my new friends don't belong here
my old friends didn't want to stay
that's ok
it's an infinite monday story
boring? yes! that's my address

damit, I won't, have it, this way
damit, I said, I won't have it
damit, I said, I won't have it
this... way

so long, since you wrote me
so long, since I wrote you back
I still live here
cold springs what a nuisance
good things? well it's hard to tell
but I'm ok
it's an infinite monday story
boring? yes! that's my address

damit, I won't, have it, this way
damit, I said, I won't have it
damit, I said, I won't have it
this... way

dare I say I feel a bit psycho
dare I say it feels very nice.. though
ride, oh, end, oh?
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