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Исполнитель: Wardrum
Песня: F.A.I.T.H.
Stood in the forecourt of a new age
World of new promises and bets
Before your heart made the front page
Perishing your record of regrets

Life was everything beyond
Your thick walls of sadness
Evolution and decay
Common sense and madness

Tell me your truth and I’ll believe you
Only when tears fill your eyes
Then take my hand and I will lead you
To the relief that never dies

This is the dawn of a new world
But it seems more like dusk
Lies are rewarded with pure gold
The question is who you can trust

Life is everything beyond
Your thick walls of sadness
Evolution and decay
Common sense and madness

Tell me your truth and I’ll believe you
Only when tears fill your eyes
Then take my hand and I will lead you
To the relief that never dies

No matter how cruel words tore us apart
I should have known
Friends always indicate the heart
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